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Weekly Club News and Events

Dear Members,
Following is our new weekly email we will be sending to all members who have provided us with an email address.  If you prefer not to receive these weekly updates, simply send an email to asking to be removed from the list.  Also if you have an email address to be added, let us know that too and we will take care of it.

Weekly News and Events from your Club! 

Schroeder Tennis Center
Tipp City, OH 45371


Upcoming Events

Email us or call to sign up for any of the following events.

Fri, Nov 21:  7 - 8:30pm
Ladies Combo Play
- 3.0 and 3.5 ladies, join Mindy for a fun evening of tennis at the club.  $13.50 per player

Sat, Nov 29:  3 - 8:00pm
Annual Mixed Doubles
Turkey Tournament
Format is 8 Game pro sets, tiebreak at 8 all.  Guaranteed 2 matches.  5.5, 6.5, 7.5 and 8.0 Divisions. Sign up with a partner or we can help you find one.  $14.00 per player



Tennis Links

 Schroeder Tennis Center
Current Clinic/League Schedule  (November 3 - January 11)

 Click here to view our
Adult Schedule

 Junior Schedule

GMVTA Results
Click here to see how your favorite team is doing.

Click here to read the latest edition of the Schroeder
"Tennis Times"

News in this Week's Email
• Girls High School State Tennis Qualifiers
• Junior High Team Tennis Week #2 Results
• OVTA Boys 14s Tournament Results
• GMVTA / USTA Adult Leagues
• Mixed Doubles Turkey Tournament
• Make Schroeder Tennis Center your one stop for Holiday Shopping
• Schroeder Tennis Center's Family of Sponsors
• Friday Night Tennis Buffet
• Court Time Specials!
New Session Underway
A new session of clinics and leagues began the week of Nov 3 and runs until Jan 11.   Many classes still have some spots open so call to find the class for you and we will prorate the session fee for the remaining weeks.  Click on the link on the left to view our schedules
Girls High School Tennis Results

Please join us in congratulating our high school players who recently finished their successful fall seasons and qualified at Districts to earn a trip to the State Tournament in Columbus.

Division I Singles:
Katie Pleiman, Chaminade-Julienne High School
Stephanie Dohner, Northmont High School

Diviision I Doubles:
Nicci Dresden and Samantha Zimmerman, Chaminade-Julienne High School

Division II Singles:
Leah Donoff, Tippecanoe High School

Katie Pleiman went on to earn 4th place at  State and was also named the Dayton Area Division I Player of the Year by the Miami Valley Tennis Coaches Association.

Junior High Team Tennis
We have 8 teams competing in this league representing a variety of area schools.  They play singles and doubles matches every Saturday.  Check out the Jr High Tennis link on our web page for the schedule and weekly match results.  Week #2  taam results are as follows:

Piqua Catholic def. Milton-Union  2-1
Tipp Black def. Troy Grey  2-1
Vandalia def Troy Red  2-1
Tipp Red def. Greenville  2-1
Boys 14's OVTA District Tournament

Schroeder Tennis Center hosted the OVTA Boys 14's tournament this past weekend.  Canyon Teague of Gahanna, OH was the tournament champion and our own James Trevino of Tipp City was the Consolation Champion.
GMVTA / USTA Adult League Tennis
The fall GMVTA league is well underway and Schroeder Tennis Center has 13 teams competing in the Mens and Womens Adult leagues at all skill levels.  Matches are held mostly every weekend.  Click here if you would like to go to the tenniscores website to see how your team is doing.  Also Adult USTA season will begin match play in January with team commitment due Dec. 10.  The Captains' meeting will be Tuesday, Dec 2, 6:30 pm at Quail Run.  Any new players out there interested in being on a team contact Bud and he will answer all your questions and find the right team for you.
Mixed Doubles Turkey Tourney

This fun, annual event will be held Saturday, Nov 29, 3 - 8:00 pm.  So grab a partner and come work off the holiday meal.  The format will be 8 game pro sets and we will have four divisions, guaranteed two matches.  Call today to register.
We are your one stop shop for all your holiday shopping!
Remember all the tennis players in your life this season.  We have a great selection of racquets, bags, shoes and Nike tennis apparel for adults and kids in our lobby pro shop.  If we don't carry what you are looking for, let us know.  We can order anything you need and we guarantee the lowest price.  You can also shop our pro shop online for anything and everything related to tennis.  Of course gift certificates are always a good choice too and available at the front desk.
Our Family of Sponsors
You may have noticed a new addition to our club.  High on the wall, above Court #5, are a series of banners representing various local area businesses.  These fine companies are showing their support for the sport of tennis by becoming part of Schroeder Tennis Center's new FAMILY OF SPONSORS.  If you know of a business that might be interested in joining this great group, please contact Bud for more info.
Friday Night Tennis Buffet

All the tennis you can play  9:00 pm - midnight.
Doubles: $13.95 members
$15.95 non-members
Singles: $18.95 members
$20.95 non-members
If you play on a dome court then you will receive a $2 per person discount.
Call up to one week ahead to reserve a court.  Must be cancelled by Wed, 9pm to avoid court time charge
Court Time Specials

Discount Hours: 
9:00 - 11:00 p.m.  Saturday - Thursday
8:00 - 9:00   a.m.  Monday - Friday

Junior Walk-On Rate:
Only $20 per hour.  Juniors may call to reserve a court up to 2 hours ahead for this special rate.

Parents of Pee Wees, Tennis Tigers, Future Champs and Jr. Rec Players
(ages 14 and under)

Rent a court for $11 per half hour, borrow one of our carts and help your child progress.  Not to mention, get some exercise yourself at the same time.  Call up to 2 hours ahead to reserve a court.

Junior Snow Day Special:
When school is cancelled because of snow, a junior can play for up to 2 hours for only $11.  Valid until 4:00 pm on snow day.